Velindre Cancer Centre

Velindre Cancer Centre

The project involved the design, build, finance and maintenance of a new cancer centre in north Cardiff. The brief included turning the space into a place which helps patients recover their physical and emotional health. The project also focused on helping staff to play their part in delivering better outcomes, aligned to international best practice.

The centre will provide unrivalled care for cancer patients from across the region but also provide an international focal point for research and development, with an emphasis on expanding clinical trials.

Key to this bid was WeBid’s Specialist Advisor, Consultant Oncologist, Dr Caroline Wilson PHD MRCP, MBCHB MSC. Caroline worked closely with our international client’s designers and in-house healthcare teams to enhance design of patient facilities, bringing her knowledge and experience to meet patient needs. In addition, she optimised the design solution to ensure a more logical plan to the placement of clinical resources / buildings, whilst fully complying with all Authority Policies, Procedures and Authority Services.

In addition to writing, we undertook document control on a custom WeBid SharePoint for 300+ responses and 1000+ files that formed the final submission.

Icon Value
Tender Value
£200 million +
Icon Tick
Key Features
  • Radiotherapy
  • Systemic Anti-Cancer Therapies
  • Inpatient and Outpatient Services
  • Radiology and Nuclear Medicine
  • Specialist Palliative Care
  • Living with the Impact of Cancer Services
  • Education, Learning, Research and Innovation
  • Pharmacy
  • Diagnostics
  • Acute Oncology
Icon Time
Tender Period
Sept 21 – July 22

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