July 22, 2024

Construction Product Manufacturers Lagging in Digital Adoption

Construction Product Manufacturers Lagging in Digital Adoption

The construction industry is rapidly evolving, driven by advancements in technology and stricter regulations aimed at enhancing safety and efficiency. However, recent research by the Construction Leadership Council (CLC) reveals that many construction product manufacturers are still stuck in the past, reluctant to embrace the digital transformation that is sweeping across the sector.

The CLC’s research paints a concerning picture of the state of digital adoption among construction product manufacturers. Senior executives from 80 companies supplying products to the UK construction supply chain were interviewed, and the findings are telling:

  • Resistance to Change: Despite a clear recognition that digitisation can boost profitability, a majority of manufacturers do not see it as a pressing concern. This disconnect between understanding the benefits of digital tools and the urgency to implement them is holding the industry back.
  • Outdated Practices: Astonishingly, more than half of the manufacturers see no need to digitise their product information. This reluctance is particularly troubling given the requirements of the Building Safety Act 2022, which mandates a “golden thread” of digital building information to be maintained throughout the lifecycle of a building. This digital record is crucial for ensuring that all components, materials, and methods used in construction are documented and accessible.
  • Low Adoption of BIM: Building Information Management (BIM) software is a key tool in modern construction, enabling the creation of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of buildings. However, only 8% of the manufacturers surveyed have ever made or commissioned a digital rendering of their products for BIM. This low level of adoption underscores the industry's slow pace in embracing essential digital tools.

The Implications of Falling Behind

The reluctance to digitise is not just a minor inconvenience—it has serious implications for the construction industry as a whole. The “golden thread” of information is more than just a regulatory requirement; it’s a vital component of modern building safety and efficiency. Without digital records, tracking the origins, specifications, and lifecycle of building materials becomes significantly more difficult, potentially leading to safety risks, inefficiencies, and increased costs.

Moreover, as the industry moves towards more integrated and digital workflows, manufacturers who fail to adapt risk being left behind. Their products may become less desirable if they cannot be easily integrated into the digital tools that are becoming standard in the industry.

Supporting and Motivating Change

The CLC report concludes that manufacturers need both support and motivation to make the necessary digital transition. This is not just about implementing new technologies but about a fundamental shift in mindset. Manufacturers must recognise that digitisation is not optional—it’s essential for staying competitive in a rapidly changing industry.

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