May 17, 2024

Webuild Establishes In-House TBM Refurbishment Facility

Webuild Establishes In-House TBM Refurbishment Facility

Webuild, a prominent Italian contractor, has launched a dedicated factory in Terni to service, modify, and remanufacture its extensive fleet of Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs). With 58 TBMs currently in operation, assembly, or on order, this new facility is set to revolutionise how the company maintains and upgrades its equipment.

Addressing a Critical Need

TBMs are essential for large-scale tunneling projects but require significant maintenance and refurbishment after completing each project. Traditionally, contractors either send these machines back to the manufacturer or decommission them. Webuild’s innovative approach of setting up an in-house refurbishment shop addresses these issues head-on.

Benefits of the In-House Facility

  1. Cost Savings: By refurbishing TBMs internally, Webuild expects to reduce the costs associated with outsourcing maintenance and refurbishment. Extending the lifespan of these machines will save the company substantial amounts of money in the long term.
  2. Technological Advancement: The facility will serve as a hub for developing new technologies aimed at increasing the automation levels of TBMs. This focus on innovation is expected to enhance tunneling safety, quality, and efficiency.
  3. Knowledge Acquisition: Handling the refurbishment process in-house allows Webuild to gain valuable insights into TBM technology. This knowledge can be leveraged to further improve their machinery and processes.
  4. Sustainability: Refurbishing and reusing TBMs aligns with Webuild’s commitment to sustainability. This approach minimizes waste and reduces the environmental impact associated with manufacturing new machines.

The Terni factory is equipped to handle comprehensive TBM maintenance, modifications, and upgrades. It will ensure that machines are ready for redeployment with enhanced capabilities and compliance with the latest industry standards.

Strategic Impact

Webuild’s decision to create an in-house TBM refurbishment facility marks a significant shift in the construction industry. It not only provides a competitive edge by reducing operational costs and improving efficiency but also sets a benchmark for sustainability and technological innovation in tunneling projects.

By investing in this facility, Webuild is poised to lead the industry in TBM maintenance and development, ensuring their projects are completed with the highest standards of safety and efficiency.

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