Decommissioning of Water Cooling Tunnels

Decommissioning of Water Cooling Tunnels

The project entailed the decommissioning of two cooling water tunnels at Barking Power Station: the intake and outfall with associated headworks. The tunnels under the land were to be backfilled to meet the requirement of existing deeds for the tunnels and ensuring that in the event of tunnel collapse, there would not be significant settlement in the ground above the tunnel. In addition, works included partial demolition and backfilling of the pump station to allow redevelopment of the site.

Working remotely, our writers utilised Microsoft Teams to keep in regular contact with the client, providing support throughout the tender period to ensure an efficient and effective bid management process. Through an initial comprehensive review of the ITT documents, the writers built a strong understanding of the tender requirements and project objectives, feeding key information into a bespoke bid strategy with a focus on our clients USPs.

The bid comprised of eight very detailed questions with stringent word limits to be delivered within a relatively short timescale. WeBid led early detailed answer planning sessions with input from subject matter experts to gather key information on the proposed delivery solution. This was used by our writers to develop high quality responses which met all evaluation criteria, supported by evidence of previous successful delivery to give the evaluators confidence in our client’s ability to deliver.

Icon Value
Tender Value
£9 million approx
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Key Features
  • Close collaboration with client team
  • Proactive stakeholder consultation
  • Multi-disciplinary
Icon Time
Tender Period
June – Sept 22

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