University of South Wales COMET Framework

University of South Wales COMET Framework

University of South Wales – COMET (Computing, Engineering, mathematics, and Technology) – SEWSCAP 3 Framework

The University of South Wales (USW) is one of Britain’s most dynamic and forward-thinking educational institutions. They have a strong presence spanning multiple sites in South Wales, with their largest campus located in Treforest. The project is for the construction of a cutting-edge, 11,500m2 facility designed to house COMET subject areas, emphasising innovative teaching and research facilities. By consolidating separate locations into a single site, the university aims to create a world class teaching and research environment for higher education encouraging interdisciplinary collaboration and integration.

The proposed building will feature over 40 state-of-the-art teaching, learning and research spaces. These include specialised areas such as electronics and hydraulics lab, a flight simulator, a robotics lab, clean and industrial research spaces, collaborative teaching spaces, as well as virtual reality capability, and exhibition spaces. A key principle of the design is to promote visual transparency, showcasing the exciting work and activity within the faculty. While maintaining the scheme priority to create a sustainable building with the ability to control energy consumption and carbon emissions, through a passive design and energy strategy.

WeBid have a longstanding valued relationship with our client built up over many years. We integrated seamlessly to work as a unified team between our client’s office and our Sheffield-based office defining win themes, USPs and differentiators to create a standout, quality submission. Our approach involved conducting face-to-face meetings to gather in-depth insights from technical leads and orchestrating interactive workshops to focus on the critical aspects of the bid, such as Social Value (SV). Leveraging the expertise of our clients SV lead, we wrote 8SV responses, each carefully tailored within a concise word count of 500. Responses, including multiple CVs for key project team members, were refined in collaboration with the client as part of our robust review process ensuring the submission demonstrated capability and capacity in line with key win themes and evaluation criteria. Our approach ensured a winning submission providing our client with the opportunity to showcase their expertise and deliver a masterpiece that will stand the test of time.

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Tender Value
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Key Features
  • Construction
  • NEC4 ECC Option A
  • Live Education environment
  • Complex stakeholder engagement
  • Collaborative and co-located working with client teams
Icon Time
Tender Period
ITT September - October 2023

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