May 2, 2024

Scotland's National Retrofit Centre to Become a Demonstrator of Sustainable Practices

Scotland's National Retrofit Centre to Become a Demonstrator of Sustainable Practices

Scotland is set to become a leader in sustainable building practices with the transformation of the Accelerator Lab at Hamilton Technology Park Innovation Campus. With a £1.2 million government grant, this facility, which houses Scotland’s National Retrofit Centre, will be revamped into a living demonstration of best practices in the retrofit of non-domestic buildings.

Project Overview

The retrofit project aims to serve as a real-world example of how large-scale, multi-use buildings can be updated to meet modern energy efficiency and sustainability standards. The primary goal is to create a model that can be replicated across the industry, providing valuable insights and proven strategies for other retrofit projects.

Key Features of the Retrofit

  • Heating System Overhaul: The current gas-based heating system will be replaced with a system that has no direct emissions, significantly reducing the building's carbon footprint.
  • Mechanical Ventilation and Heat Recovery: Advanced systems will be installed to improve energy efficiency and indoor air quality.
  • Curtain-Walling System: This will enhance the building's insulation and aesthetic appeal.
  • Solar Photovoltaic Integrated Roof: A new roof will be equipped with solar panels to generate renewable energy on-site.
  • LED Lighting: Energy-efficient LED lighting will be installed to reduce electricity consumption.

Standards and Approaches

The retrofit will adhere to the International EnerPHit and Scottish Net Zero Public Sector Building standards. A fabric-first approach will be employed, focusing on improving the building's insulation and airtightness before adding new technologies. This method ensures maximum energy efficiency and sustainability.

By transforming the Accelerator Lab into a living demonstrator, Scotland's National Retrofit Centre aims to set a new benchmark for retrofitting practices. The project will test and refine various approaches, providing a wealth of knowledge and experience that can be shared with the wider construction and retrofit industry.

The £1.2 million grant for the Accelerator Lab retrofit is a significant step towards a sustainable future for Scotland's public sector buildings. This project will not only showcase the latest in energy-efficient retrofitting techniques but also serve as a valuable resource for the industry, promoting wider adoption of best practices and helping to achieve Scotland's ambitious net-zero targets.

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